古閑は、現在NYで一人、一人に古閑自身の新しい平和運動の参加を求め伝え続けています。しかし、今回こんな内容のメールが古閑に届きました。一部分のみ紹介致します。 Born 1956, father left at 3 years old, at 6 years old put in boys town orphanage for 1 year when mother take back with new stepfather who beat and showed me bloody cloth from hitting my brother saying this is what you will get too... moved to new york, 8years old 3rd grade after school took old tv's and radios apart for copper wire to help feed family, 9 - 11 years old took old cars apart to make food money, then was told by stepfather food for his kids not me, so ate his dogs dogfood and stole food to survive,by then could touch fingers from hands around waist was so skinny,, at 14 years old was youngest person in NY to get full time working papers was a janitor in a school in summer, by then mafia friends started giveing me food and clothes, 16 years old quit school to work 12 hours a day, 60 hours a week in knitting mills, makeing cloth....then metal factorys wood factorys, plastic factorys, etc. for food and rent to mom... this is True american story of me.
What do you hope for? Is it precious in existence of the earth? Or is it valuable in your existence? Please tell me. This is because I want to cause a revolution to the mind society. I will return to the Venus soon. And I will come back to the earth with new consciousness.