
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Something great.

The baby is sometimes an angel.

The bird is sometimes a fairy.

The flower is sometimes like mother.

I think.

When it touches a great thing,

We will notice in the truth.

             by shiko

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The < JHTYH > globes.

My space is like the storm.

I see the appearance from among the globe.

Memory when living in three dimensions before.

It was uniting of the color with rain, lightning, and the sound. the storm
However, there are neither a color nor a sound in this space.

The space is called < JHTYH >.

I live by one of the < JHTYH > globes.

The prophecy book is written that it can meet 48 globes on the day of 2, 5, and 4 and 8.

A different mission is given to 48 globes.

Continuation is told on the next stormy day.

            by shiko

Monday, October 26, 2009

For the peace in microcosm

Something starts to eat me away everytime when I begin to execute my work.

I feel the pain as much as my genes try to change.

It is like a cat pretends to be like a elephant.

I can't do anthing but show myself naturally how I protect myself

everytime I execute it.

For the peace in microcosm.

by shiko

ガリゥー サッ

真夜中に 音がした

パソコンから 手を遠ざけた

真っ白い タオルケットだけに 包まれてた私の肉体に 変化がおきてる様子

ガリゥー サッ

その音を かき消したくて 真っ白いタオルケットを頭から すっぽりとかぶる様子

何事が 起きてるのか 私は 私を確認し始める


右手の平に赤の液体が 乗っかっている様子

私は 落ち着きながらもう一度 自分の肉体を確認する様子


なにやら 右耳からの赤のコンタクトの様子

私は ティッシュで私の右耳を 押さえながら パソコンのボードを叩いた


ガリゥー サッ

また 音が騒ぐ

私は 真夜中 一人現実のさなかに こう思った



我が身の 変わりを

我が身の分身である パソコンが 救ってくれたのだと

もう すっかり 赤はストップしたが パソコンは 相変わらず反応無し

再び 新しい音を待っている


by shiko


Sunday, October 25, 2009


This is a rose.

I am shiko.

However, there is no color.

It seems to have lost love.

Now looking key for color.

They are the starts of 4852 worlds.

All are new earth stories.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

4852's prophecies.

Today's rain in my space.

I've been listening the rain.

Suddenly I felt to be asked to lead the peace by a beautiful star which I've never seen


a beautiful voice which I've never heard.

The space 0 comma.

I got a book on 4852's prophecies.

by shiko

Friday, October 23, 2009

We will, we will, we will,,

We've already became the same tribe.

We leave this planet.

Deprive it anyway.

To few earthman who are chosen.

Awake with absolute nature worship in silence.

We almost ruin the planet.

We will, we will,
we will,,

wait for the real life created by a
adoration of nature.

which is closing to us.

It means that the earth will be downfallen.

By shiko

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is Reiki by shiko

The time-space split.

It is not three dimensions.

I listen.

I see the color.


I am 4852 Z. S。H。J。K。K。


REiki by shiko

It believes because it believes.

Do not you become tired?

It might have been painful.
It might have been sad.
It might have mortified.

It might be a thing to have felt anger.

You might have felt that you wanted to run away.

Let's command the consideration leather now.

The photograph saves you.

Please look for ten seconds.

It believes because it believes.

         by shiko

Wednesday, October 21, 2009



Please keep forever


Please never change

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

~Chasing the real love~

I want you to feel something from this write-up.

Started to snow suddenly.
A mere twelve year-old girl spontaneously looked up the sky.

Fluffy white snow.

The girl didn't leave the leafy park where nobody was.
She was spreading her hands trying to catch the snow.

Watching snow on her hands, she wondered why snow disappears.
She wanted to take it back home.

The girl had a mother who was ill at home.
Her girl had been seriously ill for six years.
The mother couldn't get it over no matter how much she took medicine and how many times she went to hospital.

Girl walked backward staring at her mother and left the house .
Mother was coughing worse than usual.Fever was higher than usual.
She couldn't drink cooled hot water and was suffering so much.

Girl finally reached to the park panting because she kept running for about two kilometers.
She remembered a thing.

Mother said,
"Snow,I want to eat pure white snow." "That is a present from the god.It's a special medicine."

It started to snow earlier than usual season.
Do you think her wish came true?

The girl tried to pile up the unexpecting snow falling down on her hands.

After that, she sat down on the ground looking beautiful snow piling up around her.

"It is so cold."

Girl found out,
found out that she can't keep the snow on her hands because of body heat.
Then, she lay on the ground thinking about her mother.

Snow started to pile up on girl's body.
She couldn't feel cold any more.

This miracle snow happened through girl's warm affection.
This miracle snow didn't stay on her hand but only on her cold body.

"MOM,snow." "I have the medicine in the park."

She was happy.

She closed her eyes peacefully blowing a kiss with her little hands.
She was looking the sky and smiling on the ground.

by kayoko

P.S It has been three years since I came back to Japan after taken with illness.
I'm suffering from cancer and remember children who was crying out for medicines.
This is why I started 50 yen fund-raising.

Monday, October 19, 2009


それは 一瞬の光





幾何学的根拠では 無く




比喩と 化してしまう程の

超自然現象 光
単なる 光が 私の 意識条件に


私は 今から 源追求 ~~~


I talk about the life as the elephant.



I was in the purple world with the elephant.

Syu~tt Syuuu~~~

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Consideration revolution and consideration expansion

I have three consideration.

One is an art.

One is a volunteer.

One is a sickness.

I was actually tired.

Mail came suddenly from the friend.
< art is your own movement for peace. >

I thought at long time.


It was decided to begin to walk again.

I am not defeated.

For the global peace and children.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hello everybody

Thank you for getting it in my blog.

I am very pleased now.

Operation and 2006 of uterine cancers on September 29.

Three years pass.

The value of the tumor marker has decreased for last month's inspection.

The doctor heard the story that returned to a normal value.

However, only one problem remains.

The bone of the neck shifts.

There is a strong pain from the neck to the back sometimes.

The reason is not understood.

I had been doing the dance of various genres since eight years old.

I danced for the volunteer work.

However, it is not possible to do now.

I consult with the doctor.

This thinks about the dance that there is no load on the neck.


I do not believe that there is a recurrence of cancer.

I write the blog in new feelings.

It is reborn.


This has a very strong, beautiful future.

I am professional for life.

Love and peace

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Come here

Come here and see.

Find it here.

The reason- I recognize your existance-

The recognition means that I am also recognized by yourself.

Then, lets start

Make the world peace with our consciousness mixed together.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The ninja

Will you also try?

In a Japanese country, there is a ninja.

The ninja is like the superman.

I want sometimes to become a ninja.

Because of wanting show it to children in the world.

The ninja was studied today.     

To tired mind? <For you. >

You who has painful mind.
You with tired body.
Please recover.